Bangin' Body Box


Bangin’ Body Box

This box is full of potential energy & hella discounts - over $70 value for only $34.99 + shipping!


Bangin' Body Fabric Booty Bands

Get ready to turn up the intensity & shape that booty into something straight peachy!


Long/Flat Resistance Bands

Shhhh... these bad boys are the secret ingredients to gettin’ these buns & guns!


Bangin' Body Latex Mini Bands

These bands work for both arms & legs. The five different resistances allow you to grow with the workout!



I am 100% ab-sessed with these! These are basically a jet-pack taking you directly to Ab Alley.


Everything Included In Your Bangin’ Body Box


Bangin' Body Fabric Booty Bands

Get ready to turn up the intensity & shape that booty into something straight peachy! These bands help us to stay in great form while we drop it low. You’ll use these for everything from toning to twerking.

Pro tip: Whatever you do, don’t let your knees buckle in! Protect yourself before you wreck yourself!


Gray (Light)

Start out here; you gotta build to burn!


Black (Medium)

Turn up the volume a little bit with the medium level!


Red (Heavy)

Some like it hot ;)


Bangin' Body Latex Mini Bands

We use these bands to work the entire body, and you will cover the full range of resistances in your Bangin’ Body cross-training experience! The five different strengths allow you to grow with the workout and you will sometimes even use more than one at a time!


Long Resistance Bands

These are by far my favorite piece of equipment and they are customized for the Bangin’ Body workouts at a length that you won’t find anywhere else! They come in 3 resistances, so that you can use the lighter band for arms, the medium band for lower body, and still have room to pump it up to the heaviest strength when you’re ready to level up!


Gray (Light)

These are great for arms & routines with high reps.


Black (Medium)

Once you’ve gotten a hold on the grey, pump it up, so the results keep pouring in. Only YOU know when it’s time to level up!


Red (Heavy)

When you’re ready, the red band is great for legs & booty pumpin’!



I am 100% ab-sessed with these tiny little discs! Sliders are a great way to up the intensity of a bodyweight workout and they especially work your core and glutes muscles during every move. They're super-convenient, as you can carry them around with you and use them anywhere—all you need is a floor!

Pro tip: Your slider has two different sides.Test Them out to see which side of the slider works best for the flooring in your workouts pace.